

The Tasmanian Pagan Alliance Inc. is an Incorporated Association (IA10050) dedicated to pagan networking. We host events and support other pagans and pagan interest events, Pagans in the Pub, produce our newsletter The Ravens’ Call four times a year, and have a network of pagan friendly businesses that support us, all for the purpose of providing a platform for pagans in Tasmania to meet like minded people, share information and knowledge, attend events and provide information on what’s happening around the state.

Our motto is “Strength through Diversity”.

We established in 1997, originally as a branch of The Pagan Alliance, which was established in 1991. Since then, we have steadily grown over the years to what we are today, currently we have over eighty members all around Tasmania, host two Pagans in the Pub events statewide every month, host an event for almost every solstice or equinox where our members participate in a range of workshops, fairs, picnics and more. Over four hundred copies of The Ravens’ Call are distributed each year, and we share a great relationship with many pagan friendly businesses around the state.

So how did we achieve all this? With the help of amazing volunteers, of course! The Tasmanian Pagan Alliance is run by a dedicated group of volunteers, with many years experience in the local pagan community. We host elections every even numbered year and any member can nominate themselves for a position.

The Aurora Australis

Of course, without our members we wouldn’t exist! Membership fees go towards running our website, producing our newsletter, hosting events around the state, and complying with our Incorporated Association status with the Tasmanian Government. Because we are not for profit all funds go back into the Tasmanian Pagan Alliance for the benefit of the members.

The Tasmanian Pagan Alliance is also affiliated with similar organisations interstate and internationally. This keeps us in the loop with what is happening in the wider community.

The creation of the logo for the Tasmanian Pagan Alliance Inc was a joint effort of a handful of our members. The overall design represents the Wheel of the Year. The Wheel of the Year is the annual cycle of solar and agricultural festivals many pagans observe and celebrate. We chose this symbol because many events we host are focused on these festivals The colours of the leaves represent the pattern the wheel takes in a deosil (sunwise) or anti clockwise direction. In the Southern Hemisphere, the sun travels from east to west, moving across the northern part of the sky. This means that the sun travels anti clockwise if one is facing north. This is often the directions pagans choose to create sacred space, and it’s the direction the colours of the leaves in our logo change.

Nothofagus gunnii at Mt. Field National Park

The leaves are from the native Tasmanian Nothofagus gunnii which is Australia’s only autumn deciduous native plant. It’s this unique quality which inspired us to use its leaves in our logo. During late April and May, the Fagus leafs change from a vibrant green, to hues of yellow, gold, red and orange. Also known as Tangle Foot, because of its habit of growing twisted, low to the ground branches, the Fagus tree grows to around two metres in dense stands in alpine regions in Tasmania. Seventy percent of all Fagus grows inside the Tasmanian World Heritage Area. The tree features small indented leaves with a crinkle cut appearance.

It is a Tasmanian tradition to visit The Turning of the Fagus on ANZAC Day weekend (April 25th) and we always hold an event for this purpose. The easiest places to visit the Fagus are around Lake Fenton and Tarn Shelf in Mt. Field National Park, and The Loop Track around Dove Lake at Cradle Mountain, where there is also a large stand around Crater Lake, however this is a longer walk from the Dove Lake Carpark compared with The Loop Track.

Nothofagus gunnii at Mt. Field National Park